Konzert: Halbtal + LaBasheeda

Einlass 20:00 | Beginn 20:30 | Bitte kommt getestet!

Halbtal (Berlin, math/postpunk)


Musikalisch heimatlos zapfen Halbtal Genres wie Postpunk, Math, Krautrock oder Electronica an. Und was dabei rauskommt, wird zum widerborstigen Experiment erklärt, zur offenen Frage des Fragments. Eine aufpeitschende Rhythmusgruppe und fiebrig-flirrende Gitarren verhindern jede Stagnation. Es ist Musik auf der ewigen Suche nach der gelben Blume im Klatschmohnfeld, nach Trockenheit am Meeresgrund.

Labasheeda (amsterdam, art-punk):

“Few bands manage to find the sweet spot between traditional rock and post-rock, the place where new attitudes sweep away the cliche of the past and where the worst excesses of experimentation are held in check by the perfect blend of muscle and melody. But if you ever found your way to such hallowed ground, you would find this Amsterdam trio there waiting for you.”

The Big Takeover (US)

“Labasheeda has created a post-punk masterpiece with “Blueprints.” It’s one of those albums that demands your utmost attention if you’re into the genre, and beyond. Their experience, knowledge, skills, talent, ideas, and musicianship shine throughout the entire material, forcing you to repeat this material over again. Labasheeda proved they’re one of the best contemporary bands, capable of releasing excellent music every time they desire to.”

Thoughts Words Action (Serbia)


Feb 01 2024


20:00 - 23:00

